CIFF Capsule Review: Two Days, One Night

IMG_0500.JPGFew filmmakers have been more consistent than the Dardenne’s when it comes to making quality movies. Their new film about a woman given a weekend to win her blue-collar job back while battling depression continues their reign atop the world of human stories.

Marion Cotillard, best known in the States for her work with Christopher Nolan, gives a brave performance in her native tongue. The supporting cast is a hodge podge of everyday French citizens that do well to preserve the Dardenne’s naturalistic perspective.

It’s a long 95 minutes, but you do feel something for Cotillard’s character by the end. She certainly hasn’t won her fight against depression, but there is a light shining down, however briefly.

Two Days, One Night will be playing at the Chicago International Film Festival October 16th at 6:00pm and October 19th at 6:15pm

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