Oliver Ignatius-Violence by a Man Against a Woman

I’ve known Oliver Ignatius for a long time now. First heard as a teen in The Hysterics, currently as an artist/producer behind some of my favorite works of the last decade. He’s always been someone I can count on to create interesting soundscapes and engaging stories.

I am amazed by his ability to craft songs, especially under his present situation as the target of death threats and abuse from the online army of Stans loyal to one of his former collaborators. In the case of “Violence by a Man Against a Woman,” perhaps being on the receiving end of all that vitriol helped Oliver to better understand the overwhelming amount of rage directed at women for simply existing.

The song is delivered with a certain amount of distance-the existential dread of being alone drapes itself around the track while the music continues to expand. This is no polite request for people to be better, rather it is an indictment of toxic masculinity and the way we’ve been trained to accept and forgive it. This is an important message that needs to be heard.

If you buy the song off Oliver’s Bandcamp page, the proceeds will go to Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women USA.

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